Friday, February 6, 2009

FYI: You should never look up canker sores on Google images.

So, I'm sitting here, with a numbed lip, because I just put some antibiotic stuff on the inside of my mouth because I have a canker sore. Those things are impossibly hard to stop playing with. I'm assuming I messed around with it too much, it made it hurt even more, so now I have to stop the pain with the numbing liquid. Haha. My Mommy said I shouldn't swallow any of it, but that's kind of hard to do considering it's on the inside of my mouth.
One recommendation? Don't EVER look up on Google pictures of canker sores. BIG BIIIIG mistake I just made. Ew. Also, did you know that canker sores are mouth ulcers? Weird....

Buuuuut, instead of boring you with my mouth diseases, I'll update with what I did today. Which, mind you, wasn't much. But, I didn't wanna update earlier because I didn't do anything AT ALL this whole week.

And fantastic, whilst typing this, I hear my cat barfing all over the place. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

Anyway, today I had school. Obviously. But, I slept the majority of the day. Oops.
Unfortunately, in 4th period, when I took a little dozer, I had one of those moments where I could hear everyone talking in the room (my Teacher mainly), but, I couldn't open my eyes. It scared me to death because I thought I was gonna still be sitting there, unable to open my eyes, when the bell rang :
Thankfully, that didn't happen.

Afterrrrrrrr school, I hung out with one of mah best frans Melissa. We hit up McDonald's then saw The Uninvited. One of the weirdest. movies. ever. We went to Walgreen's after it, and were still thinking about the psychotic ending. OH and I got some gummie bears at Walgreen's. I thought they were going to be amazing. But, they're not. Boo. Yes, I've had them before, but, I remembered them being more delicious. I also had to help Mel because she's on crutches at the momento. Poor child.

Yes, so, the reason I'm just updating NOW is because nothing else remotely interesting has happened at all this week. Plus, I kinda forgot too :)

P.S: My Dad is currently in Jersey right now and will come home tomorrow. BUT, he told my Mom that his bosses are really proud of him right now because he's been doing a side project that they never asked him to do. They were incredibly impressed and he could possibly get promoted later down the road. That being said, we would be moving to........ NEW. YORK. CITY.
Hell to the yes!!!

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